MySchedule is a web application that let you manage and run Quartz in a servlet container. You can get Quartz running and start exploring by simply dropping the war file into a web server such as Tomcat.
Here is a short list of what's in this release:
* Use myschedule-2.3.0 to manage Quartz-2.x
* Use myschedule-1.6.0 to manage Quartz-1.8.x
* Removed all unnecessary dependencies, and making the war file tiny (~ 3MB)
* Support any Java ScriptEngine, and many examples are provided for you to script and manage the scheduler.
* There is an independent quartz-extra jar that you may use outside of webapp, and it has been backported consistently to 1.x version as well.
* Documentation is available on the project site.
Try it out and let me know what you think.