Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MySchedule-2.4.0 release

I have released version 2.4.0 of MySchedule project, and you may get it here: 

In this release, I have added these:
* Quartz is running on Heroku! Check it out:
* Added JdbcSchedulerHistoryPlugin that will record job history in DB.
* Added Cron Tool expression validation on web page.
* Added AppConfig configurable by a Properties file.
* Upgraded to quartz-2.1.1
* Fixed trigger display page.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

I want to learn Fantom

I have been learning a new programming language in every few years or so. I started with C++ since my high school year, and since then, I have learned to use Perl, Java, Python, Groovy, Ruby, and Scala. Java has been the longest run among them, because most of my employers are requesting and willing to pay for it. Despite having a full time job working on Java, I still have the urge to learn something new. A new language give me new perspectives in viewing software development with different solutions. Each language has its distinct features and design goals toward some principles. Just as any tool, they are created to meet some unsatifying style, solutions, or new features in other existing programming languanges.

Recently I have stumbled upon another language that I think it worth my time to study it: it's called Fantom. Check it out at